Soursop Leaves Extract

Soursop Leaves Extract
Benefits of soursop leaves is very popular, especially since some proved research that it can cure dangerous diseases such as cancer and diabeter. Soursop leaves has a lot of benefits, especially for the health of the human body from unexpected treat of some dangerous diseases. It is very simple but has big advantage for us.

Soursop is known as a delicious fruit. Most of us do not realize that it it has so many benefits for healthy treatment, even the soursop leaves has great benefits for health and medicine.

Before discussing about health benefits of soursop leaves, it is better if we know the detail and extact of soursop leaves. Soursop fruit is also called Annona Muricata is formerly come from Caribbean, Central America and South America. Soursop leaves contain Acetoginin compounds (bulatacin, asimisin and squamosin). Acetoginin is has function as anti feedent. We can see that there are no pests that damage the soursop tree, in low concentrations the extact can cause pests that eat them will die. This tree can thrive in tropical areas.

In daily life we ​​are not so aware of how powerful this plant is. If you do not know the benefits of soursop leaves so it's good for you to know about soursop leaves extact.

Nutrient content of soursop leaves:

  • Annohexocina
  • Annomuricina A, B, C and E
  • Annomutacina
  • Annopentocinas A, B and C
  • Muricoreacina
  • Gigantetronemina
  • Murihexocina A and C
  • Javoricina

  • Anonaine
  • Anoniine
  • Atherospermine
  • Coreximine

  • Gentisic acid
  • Lignoceric acid
  • CLA
  • Stearic acid

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