Soursop Leaves and Herpes

Soursop leaves benefits for Herpes - Herpes is a disease caused by a virus from herpertoviridae family. Therefore, if a person suffering from this disease they will have red rash with pus on their body. And this virus mostly attacks on the skin and mucous membranes. But even so there is herpes virus that only attack on human genitals and mucous membranes located in the mouth of the lip. But herpes can be cured with soursop leaves.

A type of herpes virus that is called simplex herpes disease has resulted in the emergence of wounds on the skin surface. Therefore, the symptoms seen in patients is the presence of blisters on the skin. After that, the wound is gradually going to leave a scar. If not scratched, and over the time, these wounds can heal within 5-10 days of occurrence. But if the itch scratched it will cause more severe injuries.

Therefore, if someone suffers from herpes they will feel pain and heat in areas that were attacked. Herpes disease is easily recur at any time, especially during conditions of decreased immune and in a state of severe stress.

A study revealed that soursop leaves extract is effective for treating herpes virus. When used on the affected area of ​​herpes, the extract of soursop leaves works by blocking the action of viruses in cells and tissues, shorten the period of infection and potentially prevent further outbreaks. Herpes is a viral infection that primarily affects the mouth and genital area.

Soursop leaves is very effective to treat herpes disease. How to make a potion using soursop leaves to cure people with herpes is by cleaning some good soursop leaves and boiling it with water. Then strain and drink the water routinely and regularly, so that the disease can be cured quickly. Herpes is a dangerous disease that can be dangerous if if not handled quickly and appropriately.

Read also: Soursop Leaves Tea Recipe

Active compound contained in soursop leaves has so many benefits for the health of the human body. Not only that, the soursop leaves also shown to contain many nutrients and minerals that are very useful for the body. Some of them are acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, anomurian, annomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantertronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin, niacin, phosphorus, calcium, carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, as many nutritional content, the benefits of soursop leaves is very good for health, especially for the treatment of herpes.

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