Soursop Leaves for Cancer

Soursop Leaves for Cancer
Nowadays, cancer has become one of the most deadly diseases in the world. Currently so many researches were done to find the best cancer drug, soursop leaves have special extracts that are highly effective for cancer. Parts of the soursop plant from flower, leaves, fruits, seeds, bark, and roots can be used as a traditional medicine. Especially, soursop leaves for cancer.

In the early 1990s, scientists found 34 Cytotoxic compounds in the soursop leaves that could kill body cells experiencing abnormal growth (cancer cells). This compound has several advantages if compared to current cancer treatments, among others it can kill cancer effectively and safely without causing nausea and vomiting, without loss of weight and hair loss in large quantities.

Soursop leaves is known to contain annonaceous acetogenins substances that 10,000 times more effective in killing cancer cells than Adriamycin substance, which is commonly used in the treatment of chemotherapy. Acetogenins substances can kill various types of cancer, such as colon cancer, thyroid, prostate, lung, breast, and pancreas hemorrhoid disease even without damaging or disturbing the body's healthy cells.

Before deciding to consume processed soursop leaves as a treatment for cancer or a tumor, you should consult first with your doctor or herbalist during this treatment. Therefore, it is to prevent if you have an allergy to soursop or special drug consumption.

Soursop Leaves for Cancer
Boiled soursop leaves

Soursop Leaf Processing Methods for Cancer Prevention

Here is how the processing of soursop leaves for herbal cancer prevention:

In the treatment of cancer, boil soursop leaves (10-15 pieces) in 600 cc of water until the water remaining one-third. At the time of boiling you should use a traditional jug or a pot made of clay so that the purity of existing substances in the soursop leaves extract are not lost. Drink the water while warm every day, morning or evening for 3-4 weeks.

It should be noted, in order to make optimal soursop leaves tea, we should take the leaves from the 4th or 5th from the tip of the tree. This is because if you choose too young leaves there is not contain enough compounds. While the older leaves are destroyed so that the levels are reduced.

In addition to the above processing techniques, in general there is another soursop leaves processing method, use 10-15 sheets of dried soursop leaves and boil it with 400 cc of water, until water remaining half. Boiling process takes time 1 - 1.5 hours, faster process than the above. The drying process should not be carried out under the scorching sun to prevent damage to the leaves. Just put the leaves in a room with air conditioner and and cover with a tarpaulin.

Dried soursop leaves have the same compound compared with fresh soursop leaves, which is a reduced water content. Meanwhile, the compound in the leaves is maintained well. You can save soursop leaves in the refrigerator up to a week since the plucking because a long cooling process can damage the leaves apart compounds and make bad aroma because of the fermentation process.

Excretion of dead cancer cells could be through sweat, urine, and feces so commonly soursop leaves herbal therapy as a treatment will have an effect warm/hot on the body, frequent urination, and sweating profusely. How quickly the body's reaction to the treatment or side effects of treatment is different for each person. It is influenced by some factors such as age, patient endurance, level stage of the cancer/tumor, and the type of cancer or tumor.

Other soursop leaf processing that is by blending 3-5 fresh soursop leaves and add 50 cc of warm water to help the process of destruction. Before you blend, leaves should be cut into 3-4 parts for faster blending process. After that, put the blended leaves into a clean container, then add 50 cc hot water and stir it. Close the container tightly so that the heat is maintained and the process of extracting the compounds can be maximized. Waiat for 15-20 minutes, then strain it to take the water and drink while warm.

Reaction of Soursop Leaves Treatment
Some reaction form this treatment is generally noticeably after 3-7 days after treatment 3 times a day on a regular basis, although maybe you need 1 month of regular consumption. If there is no reaction, check back in detail, from the selection of tools and materials, soursop leaves conditions, processing methods and consumption. Check your disease condition before treatment and check back in two weeks after treatment to see the reaction of treatment with this method.

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